Wow...The end of this week has been awesome!! Things started off a little rocky and I was feeling the stress. The beautiful weather got us outside and really enjoying each day. I have been taking pictures and trying to remember funny moments to be able to share. Let's see how this goes...
We put the inflatable bouncer up and let everyone have a little fun. Are these kids great or what?!? They have the best time together. Of course I hear, "he touched my doll" or "Hannah's not listening to me" a good bit..But for the most part they love playing with each another.
Drew had a great time outside!!
We had a great lunch...
And later that afternoon, Hollise decided she wanted to be a little model. She really has come out of her shell this last week! The girl is a hoot!!
Sweet Hannah got in a little bike ride. She doesn't like to be still for one minute. She always has somewhere to go..something to do..and she's always got something to tell you! Hmm...who does she get this from?? Oh..and her "mad face"..gotta love the "mad face".
Hollise and Houston weren't getting along so well on this particular day. As you can see they each wanted what the other had.
More great smiles from Drew Rew..this is what we all call him. We wanted him to go by Andrew, but his NICU Nurse (Cami) called him Drew. That stuck around until the kids started Drew Rew. He's always so happy! And do you see where all the sidewalk chalk is going???
On Friday evening, Logan and Papaw Tom brought goodies from Aunt Misty in Okinawa, Japan. Turns out they have an entire Hello Kitty Store and the girls are super excited about that!! They each got a pair of chop-sticks...who are we kidding...those are drum sticks, LOL. BIG THANKS TO LOGAN AND AUNT MISTY
This morning was pretty interesting....Alan was working and the kids were at the table waiting on their pancakes. By the way...I need a griddle to cook them faster! I was washing Drew's highchair tray and Houston said, "Mom..God and Jesus are at their house..they not here at our house". I was kind of caught of gaurd. At first I replied, "You're right..they are at their Heaven". And Houston continued.."No Mom, they don't live here". This made me start thinking!!! Is there something Alan and I are missing. Do we simply assume God is in our home because we each trust in Him as our Lord and Savior? Have we ever asked Him to come into our home and truly be a part of this family? I don't think we have and I have never thought about going about things in such a way. Why, I'm not sure. We have been visiting a new Church, new to us, and really enjoying ourselves. We're learning a lot and we hope this will continue to be a great fit for our family to learn and grow with God. So with these new things going on, I decided are prayer before breakfast was a great time to invite Him into our home. The kids and I held hands and we prayed. I said, Amen, and Houston looked up at me..and looked at the door.."He's not here Mama" we prayed again... :) Aren't kids amazing!! I had to stop and realize that maybe this wasn't about Houston not understanding that he can't see God or Jesus. Maybe the Lord was using Houston to teach our family and let us know He wants to be invited into our home. HOW COOL IS THAT!!!???
After filling our bellies with pancakes and Alan coming home we decided to go fishing. We haven't been to my Grandmother and Graddaddy's in a LONG time!! Drew had never been at all. The kids were so excited to see them. Houston went around the house calling for funny. They didn't catch any fish...but they sure had a great time. My Mom came out for a little bit and the kids had her read a few books. It really was a fun afternoon and I got some really good peas and cornbread!!!!
And to top off all this great fun...Alan found a 4 Leaf Clover in our backyard!!!