Hollise and Hannah
The last week has seriously been crazy!!! We've been moving to our new house, spent Monday night in Memphis with Drew......really it's been a lot of work!! But Alan and I have been pretty good sports....got on each others nerves A LOT...but we love each other, lol, we got it all done.
I'll start with Drew-his Pulmonologist in Memphis (Dr. Tutor) had requested a sleep study be done on Drew. He wanted to do this for a couple of reasons. Drew breaths REALLY loud at times. Let me make this clear...he is NOT snoring! You simply hear a very clear breath from all the way across the room. At times, Alan and I look at each other and say, "do you hear that?? does he really breathe that loud?" This test also gave them the opportunity to monitor him in a hospital setting while on room air (off oxygen) for the night. This is something Dr. Shirley had suggested be done back in April when Drew was in OCH with pneumonia. I haven't gotten the results, but I'm sure we will soon. They didn't run in and put his canula on so I'm guessing he did just fine. I sure wish they would have been able to hear his crazy breathing!! I didn't hear him through the night...So now I'm sure they think I'm a crazy lady who thinks her child breathes loud, lol. Drew also had a sweat test on Monday morning to rule out Cystic Fibrosis. I'm so proud to say his test was negating....whoo hoo!!!! He stayed off oxygen Monday and Tuesday night (a full 48 hrs) but went back on at night on Wednesday. He has a mild rattle in his chest and his O2 is falling a little below his normal. But that's what it's there for...support and allowing his lungs to relax. Other than the tests Drew is getting so big. I wish they would have weighed him while at Le Beuhner (spell?). He's only 7 months old and wearing 9 month clothes:) This is so unusual for Drew. He's like Hollise...tiny.
Speaking of Hollise...she and her sister are becoming pretty good buddies.
....well I attempted to post photos at certain spots in my post but they all end up at the top, lol. You get the idea. They are figuring out how to play together with their dolls. It's so cute for them to stroll in with their babies and say, "by, we're going to mal-mart (wal-mart, lol)...give me kiss mommy" Really, I can't wait until I can send them to wal-mart..whoo hoo to that day...but no rush, lol.
Houston has backed up his wake up time. No longer is he waking at 5am!! It's 4am now!! He's such a little talker. He's made friends with a man that lives down the road. The guy has a garden and is giving Houston all these goodies. I think he has blackberry vines too and I'll send Houston over later this week to check that out, lol.
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