Last night we had a really cool moment as parents! I couldn't wait to post this for everyone this morning. A few days ago we received the F.A.O Schwarz Christmas Catalogue (my favorite!). Alan and I have been looking it over and deciding on a few different things, but it never occurred to us the kids may like to look at the catalogue. Now, why we thought that I just don't know. Our children love books, magazines, etc. Last night they got a hold of the catalogue and had the best time.
Alan was playing with them in the living room and I was getting our roast ready to put on the table. By the way, the roast was awesome! All of a sudden we hear this little voice screaming as loud as she can, "Daddy, Daddy, Baby, Baby". Hollise was standing over the catalogue waving and shaking her hands as if it was on fire!! We ran to her thinking something was wrong and she picked up this one page and screamed for this baby doll! We starting laughing to see her so excited about something..it was great!
We then got them all together and went through the catalogue asking them to show us what they wanted..these are their pics

Hollise's Baby Doll is in the middle :)

Hannah's truck..you just have to know Hannah! She loves her dolls, but give her something to push people/things over with and she's good to go, lol

Yes, this Houston's pick. I think the "horsie" in the picture has something to do with it!
The picture at the top is Hollise picking out which doll she wants...so cute!
Also, I've been meaning to tell everyone about Hannah's new phrase. About a week ago I came to a stop sign on our way to work/daycare and began to sneeze, Hannah looked up and said "Bless you Mommy". How cute is that! Now, every time someone sneezes Hannah blesses them. We're raising such caring children, I love it.
1 comment:
I can just hear sweet Hannah "blessing" everyone when they sneeze, too cute! You really do have precious babies, though I would NEVER have to convince you of this. :)
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