Andrew had a great weekend...we all did. Saturday morning we found out Andrew had been taken off the oscillator and put on a conventional ventilator. He wasn't on that 24 hours and with being off the pain meds/sedatives as well he just didn't like that tube being in his mouth. We came Sunday and were so excited to see he was only on the nasal canula. He's been off the dopamine for his blood pressure since Friday and yesterday they started 8ml feedings by tube. Today this has been uped to 16ml per feeding (every 3 hrs.).
He's awake more and looking around. He's so peaceful now without the vibrations of the machines bothering him. Things are starting to look up, but he's still got a ways to go. If his resperations will come down to a normal range he'll get to try a bottle. I think this may still be a few days away.
We're thankful for all your prayers!!! We truly see God's work in progress with our family every single day. Alan and I wouldn't be able to do all of this without your prayers. God's somehow allowed us to be calm throughout this process. Please keep your prayers coming!!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!!
Today has been an Awesome Day. This morning we woke up to three beautiful children ready to see what Santa had brought. We called to check on Andrew and we were told his oscillator setting had come down just a bit (4th day in a row!) and his x-ray looked about the same. The kids played until lunch and we headed out for Tupelo.
Alan and I went in to see Andrew and take him a few things for Christmas...and we were the one he surprised with gifts. He was moving around so much, which is a huge change from being sedated most of the day. We talked to him for a bit and told him today is Jesus Birthday and we told him about the gifts Santa had brought. He began to open his eyes, just as he has tried the last day or so, and today he was able to open BOTH eyes!!! They've been so swollen he hasn't been able to get his right one open. He kept them open for an hour and moved around and held a finger here in there. We finally left because he was getting a little excited and trying to pull at his tubes. We had to let him rest.
The settings on his oxygen have come down to 42 and the nitrous was at 6.8 when we left. This is awesome considering the nitrous is what is showing the Pulmonary Hyper Tension is improving...meaning the setting coming down is showing improvements in his actual problem. His dopamine has gone up just a little, but he's still maintaining all his stats.
We've had a wonderful Christmas, thank you Jesus!!
Merry Christmas
Alan and I went in to see Andrew and take him a few things for Christmas...and we were the one he surprised with gifts. He was moving around so much, which is a huge change from being sedated most of the day. We talked to him for a bit and told him today is Jesus Birthday and we told him about the gifts Santa had brought. He began to open his eyes, just as he has tried the last day or so, and today he was able to open BOTH eyes!!! They've been so swollen he hasn't been able to get his right one open. He kept them open for an hour and moved around and held a finger here in there. We finally left because he was getting a little excited and trying to pull at his tubes. We had to let him rest.
The settings on his oxygen have come down to 42 and the nitrous was at 6.8 when we left. This is awesome considering the nitrous is what is showing the Pulmonary Hyper Tension is improving...meaning the setting coming down is showing improvements in his actual problem. His dopamine has gone up just a little, but he's still maintaining all his stats.
We've had a wonderful Christmas, thank you Jesus!!
Merry Christmas
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas Eve...
Alan and I are waiting to go in to see Andrew. I saw him earlier today and I thought he was looking a little bigger. We had noticed he was getting a little roll under his chin yesterday. It's because he's gained 12 ounces in fluid and swelling! They told me to expect him to loose a good bit of weight after coming off the machines, but that would be a good thing.
His dopamine was turned back up this morning. They were cleaning his tubes and things and of course he got a little testy. But he's been maintaining a good blood pressure the rest of the day. The amplitude on the oscillator has been turned down twice today and it's now at 29. The pressure is around 14. To Alan and I this is a really big deal considering the amount of support it was providing him over the weekend. The oscillator is a type of ventilator and they have told us he will step down to a conventional ventilator when the time comes. Right now he's staying somewhat sedated to keep him from trying to breathe over the machines. He just needs to relax and let his medicine and machines do the work. He's been doing a great job with that since early Monday.
We haven't heard about an x-ray of his lungs in the last day or so. We'll ask about that when we go in tonight.
We've been hearing about all sorts of people from all over praying for our family. We really appreciate the prayers and we can see God's work in progress. Thank you all!!!!
His dopamine was turned back up this morning. They were cleaning his tubes and things and of course he got a little testy. But he's been maintaining a good blood pressure the rest of the day. The amplitude on the oscillator has been turned down twice today and it's now at 29. The pressure is around 14. To Alan and I this is a really big deal considering the amount of support it was providing him over the weekend. The oscillator is a type of ventilator and they have told us he will step down to a conventional ventilator when the time comes. Right now he's staying somewhat sedated to keep him from trying to breathe over the machines. He just needs to relax and let his medicine and machines do the work. He's been doing a great job with that since early Monday.
We haven't heard about an x-ray of his lungs in the last day or so. We'll ask about that when we go in tonight.
We've been hearing about all sorts of people from all over praying for our family. We really appreciate the prayers and we can see God's work in progress. Thank you all!!!!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
We have found a donor for Andrew. My sister-in-law Tiffine is able to donate to him. Right now the doctor said we need one donor because that will give for units for an infant. He will only possibly need 2-3 more transfusions. We appreciate all that quickly replied as good donors. We may need you in the future, but right now were okay.
No new news this afternoon...and that's good news!!! His oxygen is slowly being brought down, the pressure on the oscillator is about 14.5 right now and that's wonderful compared to 24 over the weekend. He's still maintaining his blood pressure with the dopamine.
They admitted a new baby while we were there this morning. It's so hard to see other children coming in there. They're in a wonderful place, but I know that's another family going through a difficult time. Please continue to pray for Andrew and for all the babies in the NICU.
I'll update again tomorrow sometime after lunch, hopefully.
No new news this afternoon...and that's good news!!! His oxygen is slowly being brought down, the pressure on the oscillator is about 14.5 right now and that's wonderful compared to 24 over the weekend. He's still maintaining his blood pressure with the dopamine.
They admitted a new baby while we were there this morning. It's so hard to see other children coming in there. They're in a wonderful place, but I know that's another family going through a difficult time. Please continue to pray for Andrew and for all the babies in the NICU.
I'll update again tomorrow sometime after lunch, hopefully.
Andrew Update
Sorry we haven't been able to update anything. We've been busy back and forth to Tupelo, taking care of Hannah, Hollise, and Houston and recovering....needless to say Alan's tired!!!
Andrew has Pulmonary Hyper Tension, Low Blood Pressure problems, and Premature Lungs. His x-rays over the past few days have shown a little improvement to his lungs. Sunday Andrew had several setbacks that ended up as improvements. The tube to his lungs was a little small and allow air to leak. He was getting extra gas on is tummy and he was trying to compensate and breathe over his oscillator (not sure of spell?) which was causing his stats to not look good. His blood gases weren't getting better and were actually starting to look worse. They reintubated (spell?) him and put a better size tube in, made changes to his oscillator (type of ventilator) through the night and since Monday around 4 a.m. he has been stable and consistent with his numbers. His blood gases have continued to improve which tells them they are moving in the right directions with his machine settings.
He has been on antibiotics since he was at OCH to prevent any infection. He was having blood pressure problems between 2 and 4 a.m. where his blood pressure would drop really low and that hasn't happened in two nights...Thank you Jesus!! He is on Dopamine for his blood pressure and they've lowered that over the last day. His oxygen level continues to go up and down depending on the last time they had to work with him. We were getting so excited as his oxygen would come down but we've come to learn this will just about go up and come down every single day. He did have to have a blood transfusion yesterday. Newborns don't create new blood cells until they're about 3 months old. They've been testing his blood gases so often they're having to replace his blood.
A good day for us right now is when he's stable and thankfully this has been the case since 4 a.m. Monday. We're waiting to go in to see him now. Please check out information on Pulmonary Hyper Tension. Andrew is very touchy. He doesn't like any stimulation..good or bad. I've been able to hold him one time and bless his heart he cried. He doesn't like to be moved, rubbed, or even have a diaper changed!! He's very sensitive to noises and we pretty much leave him alone. We can touch the top of his head and he appears to be happy with that. He does move around a bit when Alan and I talk to him.
We'll have a chance to update again tonight.
**Andrew's blood type is A+ and he may have to have 2-3 more transfusions depending on his time here. He can have A+, A-, O+, and O-. If you are able to donate to him please let us know so that we can put you on the list to donate as soon as possible.
Thanks..or email address is Thank you so much for your prayers and please keep them coming.
Andrew has Pulmonary Hyper Tension, Low Blood Pressure problems, and Premature Lungs. His x-rays over the past few days have shown a little improvement to his lungs. Sunday Andrew had several setbacks that ended up as improvements. The tube to his lungs was a little small and allow air to leak. He was getting extra gas on is tummy and he was trying to compensate and breathe over his oscillator (not sure of spell?) which was causing his stats to not look good. His blood gases weren't getting better and were actually starting to look worse. They reintubated (spell?) him and put a better size tube in, made changes to his oscillator (type of ventilator) through the night and since Monday around 4 a.m. he has been stable and consistent with his numbers. His blood gases have continued to improve which tells them they are moving in the right directions with his machine settings.
He has been on antibiotics since he was at OCH to prevent any infection. He was having blood pressure problems between 2 and 4 a.m. where his blood pressure would drop really low and that hasn't happened in two nights...Thank you Jesus!! He is on Dopamine for his blood pressure and they've lowered that over the last day. His oxygen level continues to go up and down depending on the last time they had to work with him. We were getting so excited as his oxygen would come down but we've come to learn this will just about go up and come down every single day. He did have to have a blood transfusion yesterday. Newborns don't create new blood cells until they're about 3 months old. They've been testing his blood gases so often they're having to replace his blood.
A good day for us right now is when he's stable and thankfully this has been the case since 4 a.m. Monday. We're waiting to go in to see him now. Please check out information on Pulmonary Hyper Tension. Andrew is very touchy. He doesn't like any stimulation..good or bad. I've been able to hold him one time and bless his heart he cried. He doesn't like to be moved, rubbed, or even have a diaper changed!! He's very sensitive to noises and we pretty much leave him alone. We can touch the top of his head and he appears to be happy with that. He does move around a bit when Alan and I talk to him.
We'll have a chance to update again tonight.
**Andrew's blood type is A+ and he may have to have 2-3 more transfusions depending on his time here. He can have A+, A-, O+, and O-. If you are able to donate to him please let us know so that we can put you on the list to donate as soon as possible.
Thanks..or email address is Thank you so much for your prayers and please keep them coming.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Update on Andrew

Today has been a bit crazy for us. Around 4:30 a.m. one of Andrew's doctors came to our room and told us he needed to be transported to Tupelo. Andrew had been having some trouble with his lungs and after treating him with meds here and observation they decided it was time to transport him. Alan went to see him around lunch today (i'm still in hospital) and was able to spend about 45 mins with him.
When he hears our voices or feels us touching him his numbers start to rise and he gets a little more relaxed. He's on 96% oxygen this evening to keep him from having to work so hard on his own. He has Pulmonary Hyper Tension and my understanding of this today is he's not able to get proper blood flow through his lungs to carry oxygen to his heart.
We will try to keep everyone updated as best we can. I'll "try" to update after Alan and I visit him tomorrow. Please keep Andrew in your prayers. He's a strong little boy and likes to be left alone. He doesn't like people bothering him...he's like his Daddy. Also, keep Hannah, Hollise, and Houston in your prayers. They're going through a big change right now.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Andrew has arrived!!!

Hi everyone..we're so happy Andrew is finally here. He was born this morning at 10:49 and weighs 6lbs 3.1oz and 19 inches long. To Alan and I he looks like such a chunk!! He's almost double what Houston weighed and he's 4 inches long than he was.
The Lord has blessed us with 4 amazing children. I can't tell you all how lucky we feel. Andrew looks so much like Hannah, but at the same time he looks so much like my brother Randle. He is on oxygen tonight, it was at 80% around 6 tonight, due to his lungs being a little wet/damp. He was breathing so hard and heavy so the oxygen is giving him a break. They're watching him very close and giving him antibiotics just to be proactive with his chest. Keep in your prayers please.
Surgery went well for me and I've already been walking around and going to the nursery and back. So I'm really doing good!! Enjoy some of our pics and we love you all!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Happy Birthday Hannah, Hollise, and Houston!!!!!

WOW...they're 2 today!! Can you believe it? Time is going by so fast...I wish I could get down on the floor and play with them right now. They're so funny today running around telling each other Happy Birthday. This morning I asked Hollise whose birthday it is and she says "Hannah Birhtday, Bubba Birthday" it your Birthday Hollise?..."yes"..more like "yeth" She likes that it's her bubba's and sister's birthday too. I'll have to remind her that at age 16 when she tells me she's tired of sharing everything :)
We have an unltrasound later today. I'll get back on this afternoon and update you all on that...surely Andrew is still a boy :)
Here's a few birthday pics

Okay..I had to show Hannah's hair curling up with all the rainy weather. She loves it!!! I had a better picture of all the curls but the flash kinda messed the pic up.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Andrew will be here in 3 wks!! ...this is a crazy time!
Well...I thought being home from Wednesday to Sunday would be great! I just knew lots would get done, the kids would stay busy, and well....we're back at work and I'm more rested at this very moment than I have been in days!!
Alan was excited too about being off...but poor thing..he got sick. He felt terrible Thanksgiving Day and didn't get to go anywhere. He's such a picky eater that the food wasn't a big deal anyway...but he threw up, ran just wasn't a good day for him. We had awesome food at my Grandmother's and at Daddy's...I could eat more dressing and sweet potatoes with that good crusty topping right now. Friday we all had a great day. Alan felt better..he changed Andrew's room from our "storage" room to an actual room again. Now he's just got to paint and set things up...he's excited about getting some of that done. Friday night it was me that started feeling bad. I was up at 1:45a.m. and sometime around 4 or 5 I fell asleep in the recliner. My entire body ached and I just knew I was getting the flu. But, like Alan I woke up the next day feeling great...maybe it's a virus going around.
Alan put Andrew's stroller and car seat together last's coming together so fast. I can't believe he'll be here so soon! Hannah, Hollise, and Houston will be 2 next Thursday...gosh has that time gone by fast. We're having their party this weekend..I can't wait. Look for them next Thursday morning on the Birthday Bunch (WCBI)..I sent their picture in this morning. Oh...and we'll be in the Christmas Parade this Saturday night...that should be fun.

It's back to school for these kids...they're excited to go see their teacher

Hannah Playing

This was just the funniest thing ever! Hannah LOVES a tractor..and if you can ride it..WOW, it's even better

I wish Hollise's pic from the front would have turned out's so cute! Notice we put on pj's before we leave just HOPING they fall asleep in the truck, lol. Well I hoped anyway bc I knew Alan couldn't help put them to bed that night.

Houston and Hannah...aren't his boots cute!

They had tons of fun pretending this was a horse...
Rosemary....sorry by the time I got my camera out at Grandmother's it was time to eat. I'll get some of everyone at the party this weekend.
Alan was excited too about being off...but poor thing..he got sick. He felt terrible Thanksgiving Day and didn't get to go anywhere. He's such a picky eater that the food wasn't a big deal anyway...but he threw up, ran just wasn't a good day for him. We had awesome food at my Grandmother's and at Daddy's...I could eat more dressing and sweet potatoes with that good crusty topping right now. Friday we all had a great day. Alan felt better..he changed Andrew's room from our "storage" room to an actual room again. Now he's just got to paint and set things up...he's excited about getting some of that done. Friday night it was me that started feeling bad. I was up at 1:45a.m. and sometime around 4 or 5 I fell asleep in the recliner. My entire body ached and I just knew I was getting the flu. But, like Alan I woke up the next day feeling great...maybe it's a virus going around.
Alan put Andrew's stroller and car seat together last's coming together so fast. I can't believe he'll be here so soon! Hannah, Hollise, and Houston will be 2 next Thursday...gosh has that time gone by fast. We're having their party this weekend..I can't wait. Look for them next Thursday morning on the Birthday Bunch (WCBI)..I sent their picture in this morning. Oh...and we'll be in the Christmas Parade this Saturday night...that should be fun.

It's back to school for these kids...they're excited to go see their teacher

Hannah Playing

This was just the funniest thing ever! Hannah LOVES a tractor..and if you can ride it..WOW, it's even better

I wish Hollise's pic from the front would have turned out's so cute! Notice we put on pj's before we leave just HOPING they fall asleep in the truck, lol. Well I hoped anyway bc I knew Alan couldn't help put them to bed that night.

Houston and Hannah...aren't his boots cute!

They had tons of fun pretending this was a horse...
Rosemary....sorry by the time I got my camera out at Grandmother's it was time to eat. I'll get some of everyone at the party this weekend.
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