Tuesday, December 23, 2008

We have found a donor for Andrew. My sister-in-law Tiffine is able to donate to him. Right now the doctor said we need one donor because that will give for units for an infant. He will only possibly need 2-3 more transfusions. We appreciate all that quickly replied as good donors. We may need you in the future, but right now were okay.

No new news this afternoon...and that's good news!!! His oxygen is slowly being brought down, the pressure on the oscillator is about 14.5 right now and that's wonderful compared to 24 over the weekend. He's still maintaining his blood pressure with the dopamine.

They admitted a new baby while we were there this morning. It's so hard to see other children coming in there. They're in a wonderful place, but I know that's another family going through a difficult time. Please continue to pray for Andrew and for all the babies in the NICU.

I'll update again tomorrow sometime after lunch, hopefully.

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