Drew and His GrandMama

Drew and Gammy

This morning Drew had some bloodwork done along with an x-ray. His x-ray shows his lungs are clear!!!! His bloodwork was great...Prayers are being ANSWERED every day!! God is just so good.
You know, Alan and I knew we had things good. But it wasn't until we started hearing other stories or seeing others going through similar situation that we see how wonderful our family really is. Our Mothers and our Step-Mother have stopped, rearranged, changed plans and done whatever is needed to help Alan and me. We know they don't mind and that's just the supportive family we have...we're truly fortunate because not everyone has that kind of support. Our Dad's help too, but my Mom, Gina, and Jackie really do so much for us. They have been keeping Hannah, Hollise, and Houston for us (often). They've stopped work to help us, they've cooked, cleaned our house, given baths, ran errands, anything we've needed to keep things going. I can't thank the three of you enough. We just couldn't go through this without you. And I know there are so many more to thank, but these women are truly wonderful and so special to us and our children's lives.
Thank you
1 comment:
It was soooo good to talk to you today and well, just TALK! Thanks for the curtain advice..Im going to attempt it. I found a Tuesday Morning on the way home. Im stoked!!! Anyhow, its great to here about Drew's progress, keep up the good work mom and dad. I told you I would send a link to that site I LOVE so here it is. I hope you enjoy. Most of the "crafty" stuff is in 2008. Talk to you soon.
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