He's a very determined, strong, little boy

Visiting Andrew yesterday was so much fun for the kids. He was right under a window and they were actually able to see him good for the first time. They saw me change his diaper and feed him. They would just smile and say "hey Andrew". It was nice for them to know he really does exist. We were worried they would think he was just this picture on our fridge...but they love him. Houston was disappointed this morning he was going to school instead of seeing Andrew...but once he was with his friends he was just fine.
Alan and I are so glad they were able to go back to school today. They've enjoyed being home, playing with grandparents, and being lazy...but they really needed something normal in their schedule. This will be really good for them.
Andrew is now eating just over an ounce of formula...he's a little pig. He's still on the nasal canula and between 30%-40% oxygen. He's doing great and he looks wonderful as you can see in his pictures. He's such a happy little boy.
Please keep praying for our family! We appreciate all your prayers and support.
**Brandy...thank you for the club sandwiches and rotel!! I finished them off yesterday, :)
He looks so good-not swolen or anything. He and Alan have the same hair too!!!! I can't wait for you guys to bring that little man home!!!
Andrew looks so good!! I am so excited you & Alan get to hold him now! That will help him get better being able to bond with you better. And I am so glad you enjoyed the food! It was the least I could do. Let me know if I can do anything at all!
Brandy M
So glad that Tom told us about this website. We have been praying for all of you. Andrew really looks good. We are glad that things are much better. We hope Andrew will be going home soon. Give the triplets a hug for us. Love you, Linda and Bob.
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