Last week was a wild week for us!! I kept everyone inside, the entire week I think, because Drew had pneumonia and I didn't want him hot and sweaty outside. We had a few dr's appointments and Houston had his 1st annual follow up with Le Bonheur (surgery last year). All appointments were great and I was one tired lady!!!
Hannah, Hollise, and Houston have started having conversations with each other. This is hilarious!! They've always talked to one another...but this is different. They're having conversations about their day or about others in the house. Hannah and Hollise will play together in one of their rooms and they make up songs together..about being "Best Sisters". It's great stuff! Hopefully Santa Clause will bring me a video camera and I can share these wonderful "tunes" with you all.
Recently, Hollise had been playing with Drew and reading him books. Mostly picture books, but she's really doing a great job. After spending quality time with the baby brother she had to move on to bigger and better things. She went to Hannah and said, "Him's freakin me out..." and they proceeded to talk about their little brother, Drew. Poor kid...he wants them to be quads so bad, LOL. I think they're already at the age where poor Drew is getting on their nerves. He wants to do whatever they are doing.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
I'm trying......
I have totally neglected the blog!! After seeing so many other blogs..I knew my blog was just not making the list of "Hot Blogs" ( the "hot blog" list would be MY very own mental list). I decided to take a little time and learn how to decorate my blog. I really would LOVE to know how to create cure Banners and even a little Posted By Tag or something. Anyone willing to share such wonderful tips?? I would appreciate it!
I actually LOVE to blog. I find myself not journaling memories of HHH&D the way I used to. I love living out moments with them, and the blog is such a great way to record those memories. So with that...I'm diving back in and blogging!
I actually LOVE to blog. I find myself not journaling memories of HHH&D the way I used to. I love living out moments with them, and the blog is such a great way to record those memories. So with that...I'm diving back in and blogging!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Wow...The end of this week has been awesome!! Things started off a little rocky and I was feeling the stress. The beautiful weather got us outside and really enjoying each day. I have been taking pictures and trying to remember funny moments to be able to share. Let's see how this goes...
We put the inflatable bouncer up and let everyone have a little fun. Are these kids great or what?!? They have the best time together. Of course I hear, "he touched my doll" or "Hannah's not listening to me" a good bit..But for the most part they love playing with each another.
Drew had a great time outside!!
We had a great lunch...
And later that afternoon, Hollise decided she wanted to be a little model. She really has come out of her shell this last week! The girl is a hoot!!
Sweet Hannah got in a little bike ride. She doesn't like to be still for one minute. She always has somewhere to go..something to do..and she's always got something to tell you! Hmm...who does she get this from?? Oh..and her "mad face"..gotta love the "mad face".
Hollise and Houston weren't getting along so well on this particular day. As you can see they each wanted what the other had.
More great smiles from Drew Rew..this is what we all call him. We wanted him to go by Andrew, but his NICU Nurse (Cami) called him Drew. That stuck around until the kids started Drew Rew. He's always so happy! And do you see where all the sidewalk chalk is going???
On Friday evening, Logan and Papaw Tom brought goodies from Aunt Misty in Okinawa, Japan. Turns out they have an entire Hello Kitty Store and the girls are super excited about that!! They each got a pair of chop-sticks...who are we kidding...those are drum sticks, LOL. BIG THANKS TO LOGAN AND AUNT MISTY
This morning was pretty interesting....Alan was working and the kids were at the table waiting on their pancakes. By the way...I need a griddle to cook them faster! I was washing Drew's highchair tray and Houston said, "Mom..God and Jesus are at their house..they not here at our house". I was kind of caught of gaurd. At first I replied, "You're right..they are at their Heaven". And Houston continued.."No Mom, they don't live here". This made me start thinking!!! Is there something Alan and I are missing. Do we simply assume God is in our home because we each trust in Him as our Lord and Savior? Have we ever asked Him to come into our home and truly be a part of this family? I don't think we have and I have never thought about going about things in such a way. Why, I'm not sure. We have been visiting a new Church, new to us, and really enjoying ourselves. We're learning a lot and we hope this will continue to be a great fit for our family to learn and grow with God. So with these new things going on, I decided are prayer before breakfast was a great time to invite Him into our home. The kids and I held hands and we prayed. I said, Amen, and Houston looked up at me..and looked at the door.."He's not here Mama" we prayed again... :) Aren't kids amazing!! I had to stop and realize that maybe this wasn't about Houston not understanding that he can't see God or Jesus. Maybe the Lord was using Houston to teach our family and let us know He wants to be invited into our home. HOW COOL IS THAT!!!???
After filling our bellies with pancakes and Alan coming home we decided to go fishing. We haven't been to my Grandmother and Graddaddy's in a LONG time!! Drew had never been at all. The kids were so excited to see them. Houston went around the house calling for funny. They didn't catch any fish...but they sure had a great time. My Mom came out for a little bit and the kids had her read a few books. It really was a fun afternoon and I got some really good peas and cornbread!!!!
And to top off all this great fun...Alan found a 4 Leaf Clover in our backyard!!!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
I have to share this....
Hollise is at the table finishing her cereal. Remember..she's the Princess and late sleeper of the house. Hollise has her own time schedule and we must revolve around her...HA. I'm doing my morning thing..checking email, facebook, and having plenty of coffee. Drew and Hollise have become big buddies. Drew will play around the table until Hollise finishes her breakfast. He goes where she goes.
Just a few minutes ago, I hear Hollise say "no sir, stop that". I really didn't pay attention..she's pretty bossy with Drew. Then I hear "I'm watchin, I'm watchin" I can't help but laugh. She's so funny!!!
My camera charger is back in action. So maybe I'll get some pics up today or tomorrow. I must go...Off to save the Tehan House before the kids tear it down.or the laudry smothers it. :)
Just a few minutes ago, I hear Hollise say "no sir, stop that". I really didn't pay attention..she's pretty bossy with Drew. Then I hear "I'm watchin, I'm watchin" I can't help but laugh. She's so funny!!!
My camera charger is back in action. So maybe I'll get some pics up today or tomorrow. I must go...Off to save the Tehan House before the kids tear it down.or the laudry smothers it. :)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Don't Make Me Throw Me Cheerios at You!
I'm really disappointed my camera charger is MIA! This morning, Houston, Drew and Hannah were all having their breakfast together. Of course, Princess Hollise was still getting her beauty sleep. Houston and Hannah were eating their Cheerios and I was feeding Drew oatmeal. And by the way..Drew will eat 2 packs of oatmeal every morning..the boy is a little pig. Hannah was telling us all good morning and saying sweet things to us. Apparently Houston was not into Hannah being so loving and nice this morning! He looked at Hannah and said, "I'll throw my Cheerios at you"..I looked up at him and he said, "I will..I'll throw'em". He had a spoonful ready to go!! How dare her say good morning and profess her love to him, LOL.
Hannah and Houston are great. They love irritating each other and wouldn't have it any other way. We've been keeping these two separated at the dinner table the last week or so. Now I'll to think of a new plan of action, since throwing food across the table has be threatened.
Hannah and Houston are great. They love irritating each other and wouldn't have it any other way. We've been keeping these two separated at the dinner table the last week or so. Now I'll to think of a new plan of action, since throwing food across the table has be threatened.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Thursday, Funday
Yesterday was full of relaxing and fun. I had a goal to just be lazy and not go anywhere!! It was so nice and I was able to get some stuff done around the house.
The boys woke up early and took in a few cartoons together. Houston really enjoys watching Drew. He likes the big brother role and doing things with him.

Hollise likes dressing up in all sorts of ways..these are from the last week. I just wanted to share because she's so funny!!

Doesn't she have the best little personality..I love her.
Hannah, Hollise and myself got in a little girl time yesterday afternoon. The boys took a nap, so we went outside for a little while.

Hannah has some great static action going on!!
We finished up with watching a few cartoons in Houston's room. Of course this really wasn't as fun as it looks for Mom and Dad. At some point, somebody touched someone and it was all over!!

These two are best buds
The boys woke up early and took in a few cartoons together. Houston really enjoys watching Drew. He likes the big brother role and doing things with him.
Hollise likes dressing up in all sorts of ways..these are from the last week. I just wanted to share because she's so funny!!
Doesn't she have the best little personality..I love her.
Hannah, Hollise and myself got in a little girl time yesterday afternoon. The boys took a nap, so we went outside for a little while.
Hannah has some great static action going on!!
We finished up with watching a few cartoons in Houston's room. Of course this really wasn't as fun as it looks for Mom and Dad. At some point, somebody touched someone and it was all over!!
These two are best buds
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
I'm such a slacker when it comes to the blog. I've got to get better! I would really like to sort of journal things that are going on with the kids. They are so funny and I really want to get back to journaling those moments. I kept a journal when I was pregnant with the triplets. It's so funny to go back and read..I remember almost every moment in the book and it takes me back as if I were living it again. I remember thinking they're had to be more than two babies in there!!! I wrote several times about feeling a third baby and move and sure enough...I was right..a Mother just knows.
Anyway, on to these fabulous children. We just returned from another visit with Houston's Orthopedic Specialist in Memphis. His arm looks great!!! I wish I had a scanner to show you the x-rays before and after. The cyst cavity that's left in the bone has almost been completely filled with the material they put in during surgery. There is still a very tiny space left to be filled, but that should fill in over the next few months. This does leave room for the cyst to grow back. The chance the cyst will grow back are really high. But, Houston has reached the 6 month mark since surgery and that risk will start going down now. I am so excited for him. He's eating again with his left hand, batting with his left hand, hitting his sisters with his left hand..hahaha..things with his arm are normal for him again.
Little Drew has developed such a personality!!! He calls Hollise LuLu, Hannah is Nanna, and Houston...not sure he's calling Houston anything yet. Drew and Houston play together so well. It's great seeing Houston roll the ball to him and say, "come on buddy". They all love Drew so much and they're just as excited as Alan and me to see him do new things. He walks around and behind everything, but walking without holding on is not his thing yet. He is almost 15 months and I keep thinking he's just like Hollise. Hollise was the child that almost never walked!! As long as we carried her when she needed us to there was no point in walking, LOL. Drew loves music and has really likes dancing!! He sings Twinkle Twinkle Little Star several times a day..and his sisters like singing with him.
Hollise has always been a little princess...but things are getting serious. She wants to be woken up and carried to the breakfast table. She expects you to cover her feet when she's cold..even though the blanket is on her..moving her own feet around under the blanket is not an option. She likes her clothes to fit a certain way..especially the socks. The seam at the toe of socks drives her crazy. This seam has to be in the perfect place before putting on her shoes and if it's not..we do it over until it's perfect. There are several other things she expects these days..these are just a few. At first, I would get a little frustrated..ok sometimes a lot...and make her hurry up or do as everyone else does. But with some of these things I'm letting her be her demanding little self. She knows what she wants and doesn't settle for less!!
Hannah..oh my..Hannah is sort of like rising myself. It's pretty hard!!! God Bless my parents!! Hannah says things like, "Dad, it's necessary you let me walk", "Houston, are you kidding me" (with her hands out), "no, that just doesn't make sense". She's 3...what is to come? This little girl is so precious and so appreciative of everything there is in life. She's excited to start a new day..with "good morning" having to be said to everyone she meets after waking. There is just something about her little spirit..I can't put my finger on it..she's just excited to welcome a day and take in everything she can. She uses such big words and knows what they mean! But along with all of this wonderfulness is a little girl that will not stop talking!! She talks all day long..she even mumbles when nobody is around. It wears me out..silence is not an option for her. If she wants my attention, or Alan's, she will say the same thing over and over until we stop and do whatever it is she's asking. I'm working really hard to make her understand that I have heard her request...and I will help her as soon as I can. There is no need to say things 50 times until it's done!! I don't want to get in a habit of satisfying whatever it is she wants just to get her to stop saying it over and over. For example.."Mom, I need a drink", and if I'm busy putting Drew to bed or anything else, she will say this over and over until I stop and take care of her need or want. It's testing me!!
Okay...gotta run and get the crew dressed to take on the day!
Anyway, on to these fabulous children. We just returned from another visit with Houston's Orthopedic Specialist in Memphis. His arm looks great!!! I wish I had a scanner to show you the x-rays before and after. The cyst cavity that's left in the bone has almost been completely filled with the material they put in during surgery. There is still a very tiny space left to be filled, but that should fill in over the next few months. This does leave room for the cyst to grow back. The chance the cyst will grow back are really high. But, Houston has reached the 6 month mark since surgery and that risk will start going down now. I am so excited for him. He's eating again with his left hand, batting with his left hand, hitting his sisters with his left hand..hahaha..things with his arm are normal for him again.
Little Drew has developed such a personality!!! He calls Hollise LuLu, Hannah is Nanna, and Houston...not sure he's calling Houston anything yet. Drew and Houston play together so well. It's great seeing Houston roll the ball to him and say, "come on buddy". They all love Drew so much and they're just as excited as Alan and me to see him do new things. He walks around and behind everything, but walking without holding on is not his thing yet. He is almost 15 months and I keep thinking he's just like Hollise. Hollise was the child that almost never walked!! As long as we carried her when she needed us to there was no point in walking, LOL. Drew loves music and has really likes dancing!! He sings Twinkle Twinkle Little Star several times a day..and his sisters like singing with him.
Hollise has always been a little princess...but things are getting serious. She wants to be woken up and carried to the breakfast table. She expects you to cover her feet when she's cold..even though the blanket is on her..moving her own feet around under the blanket is not an option. She likes her clothes to fit a certain way..especially the socks. The seam at the toe of socks drives her crazy. This seam has to be in the perfect place before putting on her shoes and if it's not..we do it over until it's perfect. There are several other things she expects these days..these are just a few. At first, I would get a little frustrated..ok sometimes a lot...and make her hurry up or do as everyone else does. But with some of these things I'm letting her be her demanding little self. She knows what she wants and doesn't settle for less!!
Hannah..oh my..Hannah is sort of like rising myself. It's pretty hard!!! God Bless my parents!! Hannah says things like, "Dad, it's necessary you let me walk", "Houston, are you kidding me" (with her hands out), "no, that just doesn't make sense". She's 3...what is to come? This little girl is so precious and so appreciative of everything there is in life. She's excited to start a new day..with "good morning" having to be said to everyone she meets after waking. There is just something about her little spirit..I can't put my finger on it..she's just excited to welcome a day and take in everything she can. She uses such big words and knows what they mean! But along with all of this wonderfulness is a little girl that will not stop talking!! She talks all day long..she even mumbles when nobody is around. It wears me out..silence is not an option for her. If she wants my attention, or Alan's, she will say the same thing over and over until we stop and do whatever it is she's asking. I'm working really hard to make her understand that I have heard her request...and I will help her as soon as I can. There is no need to say things 50 times until it's done!! I don't want to get in a habit of satisfying whatever it is she wants just to get her to stop saying it over and over. For example.."Mom, I need a drink", and if I'm busy putting Drew to bed or anything else, she will say this over and over until I stop and take care of her need or want. It's testing me!!
Okay...gotta run and get the crew dressed to take on the day!
Friday, January 22, 2010
I have such big plans for today! I just need motivation to get things going :) The weather was so nice yesterday and the kids were able to play outside...almost all day!! That was amazing! I just knew they were going to sleep great last night, but nope, everyone woke up at least once. I'm not sure how to get Hannah, Hollise, and Houston out of this habit!! Any suggestions are welcomed.
I'm starting to teach the kids to spell and write their names. One of the last things I saw at daycare, before taking the kids out, was the three year old class writing their names. I was shocked, you could read what they were writing!! It's been a goal of mine to teach them to write their name and address when they turned 3....maybe it won't take me the entire year. I haven't been doing much "teaching" lately. Really, it's been several months since I set the kids down in the morning for any lesson. I hope to start that part of our schedule next week.
Ok..gotta run..maybe I can blog more later today :)
I'm starting to teach the kids to spell and write their names. One of the last things I saw at daycare, before taking the kids out, was the three year old class writing their names. I was shocked, you could read what they were writing!! It's been a goal of mine to teach them to write their name and address when they turned 3....maybe it won't take me the entire year. I haven't been doing much "teaching" lately. Really, it's been several months since I set the kids down in the morning for any lesson. I hope to start that part of our schedule next week.
Ok..gotta run..maybe I can blog more later today :)
Monday, January 18, 2010
We're off to a fresh start with this fabulous new year! We've already had our hands FULL of crazy things going on and we're only 18 days into this year. But, that's just the way things go with 4 young children.
Houston has torn some scar tissue from surgery and is back in a cast. We will go back to Memphis tomorrow to remove his cast and see how his arm looks. Drew is just before walking. He loves to stand at the windows and watch the cars go by. He will run around everywhere as long as he's in his walker or your holding his hand. I'm trying to keep him out of the walker so maybe he'll get some practice on his own. Hollise and Hannah are growing more everyday. They love helping cook and clean...sure hope that lasts! They sure do listen to every single word I say...bc I hear them telling their dolls what I tell them!! Sometimes I think I'm a little hard on them when I hear them bossing their dolls around, LOL.
Houston just rand up to me on his stick horse and said, "mommy, i'm a cowboy..yeehaw". He changes characters throughout the day...he's already been Spiderman and a Fireman this morning. The boy has a great imagination!! Lately he's running around pretending to fly. And as wild as he is, I'm having to make sure he doesn't really attempt to fly!!!
I better go, Hollise isn't feeling well this morning and I need to check on her. bad as this may sound...I'm glad over 300 people logged on and read what a JERK Dr. Cain was to Drew and how lazy OCH is at handling situations with their doctors that are MEAN and irresponsible with their care for patients..especially babies!! I have an amazing amount of respect for certain nursing staff and the other physicians, so I sure don't mean to disrespect their work ethics!! But, things need to change for the better with the way this hospital handles complaints...and really quick!!
Houston has torn some scar tissue from surgery and is back in a cast. We will go back to Memphis tomorrow to remove his cast and see how his arm looks. Drew is just before walking. He loves to stand at the windows and watch the cars go by. He will run around everywhere as long as he's in his walker or your holding his hand. I'm trying to keep him out of the walker so maybe he'll get some practice on his own. Hollise and Hannah are growing more everyday. They love helping cook and clean...sure hope that lasts! They sure do listen to every single word I say...bc I hear them telling their dolls what I tell them!! Sometimes I think I'm a little hard on them when I hear them bossing their dolls around, LOL.
Houston just rand up to me on his stick horse and said, "mommy, i'm a cowboy..yeehaw". He changes characters throughout the day...he's already been Spiderman and a Fireman this morning. The boy has a great imagination!! Lately he's running around pretending to fly. And as wild as he is, I'm having to make sure he doesn't really attempt to fly!!!
I better go, Hollise isn't feeling well this morning and I need to check on her. bad as this may sound...I'm glad over 300 people logged on and read what a JERK Dr. Cain was to Drew and how lazy OCH is at handling situations with their doctors that are MEAN and irresponsible with their care for patients..especially babies!! I have an amazing amount of respect for certain nursing staff and the other physicians, so I sure don't mean to disrespect their work ethics!! But, things need to change for the better with the way this hospital handles complaints...and really quick!!
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